Tea for the bath

September 19, 2013

I love drinking tea and I love the colors and different ingredients blended all together that make up a tea. I’m not crazy about baths though because I have a really hard time relaxing and sitting still. When I saw tea for the bath I was knew I had to try it and maybe it would be a good way to get me excited about taking a bath.


This “recipe” makes enough for about 3-4 baths. I used:

1/2 cup of epsom salt 1/4 cup of pink Himalayan
1/4 cup of rose petals
1/8 cup of jasmine tea
1/8 cup of lavender buds
1 large reusable tea bag


Measure out all of your ingredients and mix them together. At this point adjust your ingredients as you see fit. If you think it needs more rose petals or salt go ahead and add them. Store in a mason jar until needed.


To use in the bath put about 1/4-1/3 of a cup of your mixture in the reusable tea bag and add to a hot bath. Let it steep for as long as you’d like. When you are done toss or compost the used petals and tea leaves, let the tea bag dry, and store the bag with your bath tea so it doesn’t get used for your drinking tea.


Some tips on where to find the ingredients:

epsom salt-can be found easily in most grocery and drug stores

pink Himalayan salt-I purchased mine at a store specializing in natural remedies in their bulk section. You could also look at a health food store or the spice isle of a grocery store. It’s best to find in bulk if you can and this will save you some money.

rose petals-I also got these at the natural remedy store in bulk. I have also seen them in bulk at the health food store. If you can’t find them you could always omit them from the bath tea and add a little more of the remaining ingredients.

jasmine tea-I purchase mine in loose form from the bulk section of the grocery store. Any place you can find bulk tea they should have jasmine tea. If you can’t find it in bulk you can always purchase tea bags and use the tea inside.

lavender buds-I would look for these in the bulk section of a health food store or perhaps at the farmer’s market. It would be even better if you grew the lavender and used the dried buds in your bath tea.

I made a batch for my blogger exchange box this past month but this would make an excellent gift for any season especially if you mixed up the ingredients to match the season. If you get this as a gift from me don’t be surprised. Ha!

If you have any other suggestions of where to find these ingredients or if you try a different combination please leave a comment below.

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